Created and hosted by award-winning journalist Farai Chideya, Our Body Politic is unapologetically centered on reporting on not just how women of color experience the major political events of today, but how they're impacting those very issues. Weekly episodes feature in-depth conversations about the economy, health, politics, education, the environment, and the most prescient issues—because all issues are women's issues. Tune in every Friday everywhere you listen to podcasts, and on public radio stations around the country. Presented by KCRW, KPCC, and KQED.
Farai Chideya: I’m Farai Chideya. Journalism is my calling, but as a friend who’s a Black female tech investor said, “I wish it didn’t cost us to tell the truth.” For three decades, I put the story before my story, but I realized I have to put myself, Black women, and other women of color at the center of the story if I am to tell the truth about our country right now.
Clip (Chideya): On the campaign trail, you called yourself a nationalist. Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists. Now people are also saying that the-
President Trump:
I don’t know why you’d say that. That’s such a racist question.
Chideya: There are some people that say that…
Chideya: So many have thrown up their hands and said, “This isn’t the America I know.” Then it’s time to get to know America. So, we’re bringing you a new show. Our Body Politic is about joining our collective wisdom to shape the future we want to live in. We’ll focus on women of color as a super demographic in American politics, and together uncover how we can save our own lives and our nation.
I know America well. I’ve covered every election since 1996 on TV, radio, and print. I’ve spent years in the parts of America people don’t think too much about. Our Body Politic will cover the country thanks to reporters and contributors who will be unapologetic in sharing not just what we see today, but what lessons we might have missed from the past.
Chanting: I can’t breathe.
I can’t breathe.
Chideya: And you have a roll in this, too. To get to know you and truly understand where you are and who you are, we’re using a new tool called Speak. It’s simple. You leave us a voicemail, Speak analyzes what lots of callers are thinking about. You can also suggest guests and topics for the show and tell us what you’re doing to lift up yourself, your family, and your neighborhood. We want to help you refill your well. The last third of the show is dedicated to the idea of rising. We are not just here to be stressed and oppressed, we are here to rise. To be inspired.
Our Body Politic wants to prepare you for the week ahead with a sense of grace and purpose, so follow us on social, email us, leave us voicemails for Speak. We’ll be listening. Our Body Politic is brought to you by KCRW, KPCC, and KQED.
Chideya, Farai, host. “Our Body Politic Trailer.” Our Body Politic, Diaspora Farms LLC. September 25, 2020.
Produced by Lantigua Williams & Co.